Business Process Choreographer tightens this restriction further, since it cannot distinguish incoming messages based on correlation sets or partner links. BusinessProcessChoreographer进一步加强了此限制,因为无法基于相关集和伙伴链接区分传入消息。
So, an interface partner contains incoming operations and a reference partner the outgoing operations. 所以,接口合作伙伴包含传入的操作,而引用合作伙伴包含传出的操作。
Under either of these sets of circumstances, the present partners may offer the new member a bonus in the form of a capital account larger than the amount of the incoming partner's investment. 在这些情况下,现有合伙人可能以资本账户大于新合伙人投资额的方式,为新合伙人提供额外津贴。
Now let us assume that an incoming partner acquires his or her equity interest by making an investment directly into the firm. 让我们假设新合伙人通过向合伙企业直接投资获得产权。
When a new partner buys an equity interest from a present member of a partnership, the only change in the accounts will be a transfer from the capital account of the selling partner to the capital account of the incoming partner. 当新合伙人向现有合伙人购买产权权益时,会计账簿中的惟一变化就是将卖出合伙人的资本账户转为新合伙人的资本账户。